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  About Eucharistic Adoration


Jesus Christ is truly present in the Eucharist.  Eucharistic Adoration is about being present with Him.

Some choose to pray a devotion such as the rosary or Divine Mercy chaplet.  Some choose to read the Bible.  Some choose to read about the saints, today's persecuted Church, or to learn more about the faith.  Some choose to come and listen and to discern what to do in their lives.  We all do it in His presence as it brings us to a special place where we can be physically and spiritually closer to Him.


It allows you to approach Him any time you wish.  To look into His face as we pray is sacred and humbling.  The grace of God falls here in this place like no other.


Why don't you try it for just four weeks?


We ask that all respect the silence of this sacred space by quieting cell phones, keeping conversation quiet and to a minimum, and generally not to unnecessarily disrupt others so that we may all benefit from our adoration time.

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